
Sunday morning musings. Yet, children remain exuberant and boisterous. When the heartless Sun has sullied all your adult spirit and the humid stiff air has suffocated your adult desires. It leads me to ponder – were we all this dexterous to begin with? and slowly over the years as we accumulated more wisdom and poise,Continue reading “Musings..”

How siblings fight?

How siblings fight! And then again unite.. How they build imaginary castles 🏰 And wear superhero capes! ❤ And play together with no mistakes. Mommy picks up a book to read, And brews hot coffee ☕ for her to drink. The boys jump and dance. Aha! She says – That’s my chance! The boys bangContinue reading “How siblings fight?”

Happy Birthday dear Bhanu

Tomorrow you will turn 2 and I cannot believe that you are only 2. Seems like you have been a part of my existence since forever. With your silly one liners, your oomph and your style you seem far bigger than your age. But your weight and height are worrying factors! You are the littleContinue reading “Happy Birthday dear Bhanu”