Happy Janmashtami

Hathi🐘 ghoda🐴 palki Jai Kanhaiya Lal ki!! My earliest memories of Janmashtami are standing barefoot in enormous queue of devotees to pull the Jhoola ( swing) of the bal natkhat Kanha. The crowds would jostle and at times it would get either hot, humid or wet depending upon the humidity and downpour. The echoes andContinue reading “Happy Janmashtami”

What next?

What are you planning to do next? Where are you planning to go next? Which school for your boys? Now that you are finally settled, have you invested somewhere? How are you saving your money? When are you expecting? When are you getting married? When do you plan to invest? What shall be your specialtyContinue reading “What next?”

Jai Mata Di

Mother epitomizes everything that is dear to us. Our ancestors worshipped Mother earth and all her creations. All our bountiful rivers are hailed as feminine incarnations and worshipped with reverence like Ma Ganga except the mighty Brahmaputra, the only male river of India. Mother nature nourishes us with her abundant glory. At times in fury,Continue reading “Jai Mata Di”

Panacea for pandemic in Indian Mythology

I go into Upanishads to ask questions. Niels Bohr, Nobel prize winning physicist and a founder of Quantum Theory The entire world is engulfed in a deadly pandemic. The normal way of life no longer exists for most people. The health care and sanitation concept around the globe has been battling with Corona virus forContinue reading “Panacea for pandemic in Indian Mythology”